
Welcome to New Creation Family Counseling Center! We are a Biblically based counseling center that focuses on helping people grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to a high view of God; the efficacy of the Gospel of Jesus; the authority and sufficiency of His Word, and the belief that God has granted us everything we need for life and godliness. Our trained therapists see individuals, couples, and families. If you are interested in booking a session or finding out more about us, please fill out the request form below.

Please fill out the request form below and a therapist will reach out to you shortly

Request FORM

    Our Purpose Statement
    Declaring the gospel, making disciples, and serving our neighbors in love

    Address Information

    100 Pasadena Avenue North
    St. Petersburg, FL 33710

    Sunday Services

    Worship Service at 10am Nursery for Pre-K & under in Room #5, Children's Church K-5th

    Contact Information

    (727) 345-0148
    [email protected]