Our Core Values

We are a confessing church

We are a confessing church. What does that mean? We affirm these basics tenets of our faith:

  • That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation.

  • That Holy Scripture is the triune God’s revealed word, the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life.

  • That God’s people are called to Holiness in all aspects of life. This includes honoring the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, the only relationship within which sexual activity is appropriate.

Our Purpose Statement
Declaring the gospel, making disciples, and serving our neighbors in love

Address Information

100 Pasadena Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33710

Sunday Services

Worship Service at 10am; Nursery and Children's Church up to 5th grade in Room #5.

Contact Information

(727) 345-0148
[email protected]